Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in use today – for good reason. As a Certified Shopify Expert we get to spend a LOT of time digging deep into stores of all shapes and sizes. We help clients get the most bang for their buck. From a website design and development standpoint, we love how flexible and free the front end of Shopify is. So many other platforms allow you to build “custom layouts”… but they rely heavily on tricks and incorrect code. That kind of goes against… you know… everything from an SEO standpoint.
We have several clients that work with us on an ongoing basis, looking to us for website consulting and SEO guidance. Jophiel, a high end women’s fashion retailer located in Fort Wayne, Indiana is one such client. They’ve been in business since 1994, and as we’ve already stated – we LOVE working with them. We recently wrapped up a neat little project that came about after evaluating the behavior of their website traffic.
When you would load certain Jophiel Collection Pages, you would see the following:

While this page is FULL of interesting information, it also displays products well below the fold. The below the fold area is anything that can only be seen AFTER scrolling when a user visits a site. So as you can guess, the screen real estate above said fold is extremely valuable – especially on an ecommerce website.
Now in this case, not every collection needed a blurb or description at the top… but something had to be done for those that did. And the solution needed to work moving forward.
Shopify Collection Templates: The Solution
After a bit of discussion both internally and with Leah and the Jophiel Team, we came to the conclusion that we needed to create a new Shopify Collection Template. However, this collection template would only be applied to SOME collections – the ones with the need for the description or blurb at the top. This did two things:
- It gave Jophiel the ability to fix the issue and apply the fix to new collections as needed moving forward, without paying for more development work.
- It put their products up in front of more viewers, as you can see here:

This might look like a lengthy article to discuss what seems to be such a small change. However, as successful online retailers know, a series of small improvements can have a massive impact over time. Keep that in mind as you look for your next big – or small – modification.
(Quick Tip: checking your Google structured data is a great way to improve your Shopify store.)
Happy maximizing.