Social Media Marketing
Use social media to grow your business.
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Social media is a place for stories.
… and we have a bunch of stories you might like.
Our 5-Step Process

Social Media Marketing = Crucial
Social Media Marketing has been a key component in our most successful SEO campaigns. That said it’s important to remember that every business uses social media differently – there is no one-size-fits all solution. Certain platforms excel for different business types, and much like SEO, social media can work for you if you take the time to develop a customized plan.
At The HDG we’ve developed a research-driven 5-step process to help clients create a stronger social presence. Allow us to (very briefly) explain.
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Step 1: Determine Your Social Objective(s)
Social media allows you to put your message where people already are – but bad news – those people aren’t there to read advertisements. Carpet-bombing Facebook won’t yield exceptional results, yet people will interact with creative & entertaining companies. Let’s define your goals and begin creating targeted content to generate interactions with your audience.
Ask yourself:
- Do you need to increase website traffic?
- Do you need more positive reviews online?
- Are you promoting special offers & discounts?
- Do you want to tell the story of your company?
- Do you need to increase brand awareness?
- Are you looking to gather email addresses for more effective Email Marketing?

Step 2: Optimize Your Social Accounts
There are a LOT of social platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest… not every platform is a fit for your business. Before we start working on content, we need to analyze and pick the ones that are best suited for your products or services. Then, we’ll optimize the profile(s) we agree to use – and delete the others.
Our experience has shown that businesses see greater returns on a single social site run well, as opposed to 10 poorly run social sites on auto-pilot. It’s all about quality, not quantity.
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Step 3: Analyze the Competition
We all have competition of some sort. Even if it’s not direct, or immediately threatening, or local, there is someone out there doing what we do – and if we’re honest with ourselves… maybe even a bit better. It makes sense then to seek out these companies and establish some key concepts:
- What have they done that has worked?
- What have they done that has NOT worked?
- Do they have clear posting patterns?
- How can we present a new, unique message?
This information will help us create effective content faster, while avoiding some glaring mistakes.

Step 4: Reach Your Audience
For social content to be effective, it must be developed in a specific way for each platform. Posts fade faster on Twitter than on Facebook, and should be shorter and more frequent. A well written Facebook post won’t translate on Pinterest or Instagram, which are great places to post pictures of seasonal specialties.
Crafting for the platform and the audience is necessary to reach your unique goals. For example: if Billy Bob’s Hot Dog Shack needs to increase brand awareness, and Billy can generate more user interaction with posts of animals eating hot dogs versus 50% off coupons – he would be wise to take note and start feeding more animals!
It’s a learning game. Let’s discover your market then target them creatively in ways that have been proven to work on each platform.
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Step 5: Review, Adjust & Repeat
The constant change in the social landscape is exciting and frustrating. We see new sites every week, and titans come and go (MySpace anyone?), yet one truth remains: the people are there, and putting your message where people are is Marketing 101.
Some people are connected to social media through their devices 100% of the time, which is why social media marketing has the potential to be so powerful. But you have to be mindful and deliberate, it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it game.
Working through these steps with us will grow your reach, your sales, and your business. We’ll find out where your customers are, what they like, how you can trigger interaction – and ultimately how to market to them as effectively as possible.

Additional Benefits
Our Social Media and SEO clients enjoy several valuable perks and benefits at no additional cost:
- 10% Savings on all Dev & Design Work
- Routine Phone Consultations
- Monthly Reporting (Accountability)
- Business Development & Website Consulting
Want to double up and save 15%?
Sign up for both Social Media Marketing and SEO for even more value!
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